
Books by George

Books by George are your local independent supplier of award winning Usborne books suitable for children from birth up to young adults. Our range includes fiction and factual books, jigsaw puzzles, books with toys and colouring, sticker and other activity books, all beautifully illustrated.

Books by George…

Georgina is an independent organiser, and brings books to schools, parties, and to shows like Lustleigh!

About Usborne…

Usborne is a multi-award winning children’s publishing company. Founded in 1973, it is now the largest and most successful independent children’s book publisher in the UK.

Books are conceived and created by writers and designers in offices in London, England, and illustrated by artists worldwide. We believe the way we work makes our books different from other children’s books, and this is what makes them so well loved.

More about Usborne and George…

Visit the Usborne Books – with George website


