Side Shows

We still operate a number of traditional side-shows, run by volunteers from our community, that were the backbone of the show in the very early days, but adapted to reflect more modern day attitudes. For example, the skittles used to be ‘bowling for a pig’, when the prize was a live pig for the lucky winner to take home. Now you win a prize, shame really!

Tug of War

The Lustleigh Village Tug of War About the Lustleigh Village Tug of War… If you like watching competitive sport of


Another new game to our Show for you to try. Everyone a winner !! Plus a prize for the highest

The Greasy Pole

Photo from the 2002 Lustleigh Show

Children’s Sports

We hold various children’s races, catering for all age groups, in the Main Ring towards the end of the day,

Lucky Dip & Ducks

Two games for the very young children. Everyone’s a winner! Simply hook-a-duck to win a prize or try your chance

Coconut Shy

An old, but favourite classic, this traditional side show gives you the chance to demonstrate your aim using wooden balls

Bottle Stall

One of the most popular stalls at the Show. All bottles are donated by Lustleigh villagers and may be anything


A side show classic, the origins of which are lost in the mists of time. Always popular with children and
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